We can offer a range of training, consultancy, and even application/interface development services to assist system integrators and end-users
But as a starter, we generally recommend a basic 2 + 1 training course for those embarking on their first project. 2 days generic Adroit training, followed by a final day focussing on project-specifics for the particular project in question
Some of the key topics covered in this course are described below...
Adroit Overview Presentation | Introductory presentation, with the aim of setting the scene - where Adroit comes from, what it is |
System Architecture | Describes deployment options ranging from stand-alone, single-workstation deployment, right through to multi-server, multi-client, geographically-distibuted system |
Agent Types | Introduces the concept of an agent type as a server-side data type. Lists currently available agent types. Defines other major server side-compenent: front-end, protocol drivers |
Smart Client | Defines what the term Smart Client means. Explains how the Adroit SmartUI Client is an example of smart-client technology |
Graphics Behaviour | Introduces the idea of client-side graphics behaviours. Build some basic behaviours culminating in a comprehsive grahics excercise |
Scanning | Scanning refers to connecting front-end device endpoints (PLC Registers, bits, etc) with SCADA endpoints (tags) and the dynamics behind all of this |
Logging and Trending | Logging is the server-side activity of retaining time- and quality-stamped information for subsequent display. Trending is a means of visualizing this historical data on the client-side |
Alarming | Along with scanning and logging, Alarming is a key SCADA feature, permitting various exception conditions to be detected: discrete value changes like trips, etc; level threshold changes; excessive rates of change, deviation from setpoints, etc |
Bulk Configuration | Having by now attained a grasp of the fundamentals, we now learn how to build real projects with thousands of tags, using productivity tools like MS Excel |
Project Backup | Using built-in backup utility we explore how to backup configurations for security purposes, and also how to restore them onto different machines, effectivley porting the whole application from one machine to another |