Object Modelling Quick Start |
For high-end System Integrators and OEMs, the holy grail of SCADA has been the dream of creating your own fully-fledged, custom, industry-specific SCADA database types along with graphical user interface representations to visualize and interact with them. Because, at its heart, Adroit Smart SCADA is an extensible object model, we show how this dream is now a reality
In this Object Modelling quick start guide, we create aCustom SCADA data type which, in keeping with conventional object oriented paradigms, has a distict set of properties and methods. Aftertesting to verify its successful operation, we go on to develop a re-usable graphical representation that can be deployed tovisualize instances of the object type. Finally, becausealarming and alarm management are so vital to SCADA applications, we demonstrate firstly how to create custom alarm types, and then how to smoothly integrate these with the Adroit alarming subsystem
This is the fifth in the series of Adroit Smart SCADA quick start guides. It follows on from Quick Start Guide 1 – the initial Adroit Smart SCADAQuick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide 2 –Logging & Trending Quick Start Guide 3 –Alarming & Alarm Management
and Quick Start Guide 4 –Smart UI Re-use Techniques There are some parts of these earlier guides that are essential
to understanding this latest guide, and so in that respect they are all, to some extent, essential prerequisites
PRV Custom Agent Type
To keep it all relatively understandable and yet fairly meaningful, we create a hypothetical agent type that models a Pressure Relief Valve (PRV). The characteristics of our PRV are that for pressures higher than some configurable limit the valve opens, but for lower pressures it remains closed. In addition, a count of every open operation is maintained so that essential maintenance can be indicated after a configurable number of operations. Our valve can raise two kinds of alarms: one when it is open, i.e. excess pressure, and a second when essential maintenance is due
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As shown in the screenshot of the Adroit 8.4 program group, a special tool for developing custom agent types ships with Adroit: Custom Agent Designer
This tool has its own, comprehensive, in-built Help repository, so run the tool, click on the Help button, and familiarize yourself to some level of detail with its features and operations before continuing any further ![]() |
The screenshot below shows the design for our Pressure Relief Valve custom agent type:
- Top left is the name given to this agent type – PRV for Pressure Relief Valve
In the central area are definitions for 6 slots (properties) we designate a PRV agent as having:
Pressure A Real number representing current pressure. The WGP Prefix column is a key or prefix used when saving the value of this slot away in the agent server database Limit Another Real number defining the limiting pressure above which the valve will operate, i.e. open. Because this value is a separate property it means that different PRV instances can have different operating pressures Open A Boolean value indicating whether the valve is open or not. The value of this slot will be determined purely by whether the current pressure is above or below the limiting pressure. Hence the Disable editing checkbox is ticked so as to prevent users and other entities external to the agent itself from modifying the value of this slot Operations An Integer number representing the number of times the valve has operated since essential maintenance has been carried out. The value of this slot is also controlled purely by the agent itself, hence the Disable editing checkbox is ticked MaxOperations Another Integer number defining the number of operations that may be carried out before essential maintenance or servicing is required. Because this value is a separate property it means that different PRV instances can have different maintenance regimes Reset A Boolean value used to reset the operations count after essential servicing has been done -
At the bottom are the two type-specific status bits we build into the PRV agent:
Status_Open ON when the valve is open; OFF otherwise Status_MaintenanceReqd ON when maintenance is due; OFF otherwise
Because some of the slots such as Open and Operations as well as the two type-specific status bits need to be controlled by the agent itself in response to value changes in various other slots, it is necessary to make sure each agent has a script engine for this purpose. This is indicated in Custom Agent Designer by selecting the Has script engine radio button top right of the above screenshot
The PRV Custom Agent Script
Our VBScript implementing the PRV agent logic is shown below. The screenshot shows the VBS script file loaded into MS Visual Studio – hence the nice colour-coding. Just clicking the Edit script button in Custom Agent Designer will, however, invoke a much simpler script editor that does not have the same colour-coding
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Starting at the top of the script:
In the case of the Pressure slot being changed
- For purely diagnostic purposes, we log an event that indicates this and includes the changed value of the slot
Next, using the Custom.GetSlot method, we test if the changed Pressure slot value is greater than the Limit slot value
- If so, pressure is above the operating limit, so we log this fact, and if the valve is not already open, using Custom.SetSlot method calls we set both the Open slot and the Status_Open status bit. The reason we need to set a status bit as well as a slot is so that an Open alarm can be raised when this happens
- Next, via Custom.GetSlot and Custom.SetSlot operations on the Operations slot, we increment this slot. If the new count of operations has reached the maximum allowed before needing maintenance, then we log this fact and set the Status_MaintenanceReqd status bit so that a Service Due alarm can be raised
If the changed pressure value is within limit
- We log this fact
- If the valve was open, we set it closed by setting the Open slot value to zero, and also setting the Status_Open status bit to zero, and thereby clearing the Open alarm
In the case of the Reset slot being changed to a value of On
- This implies maintenance has been carried out, so for diagnostic purposes we log this fact
- We set the Operations, Status_MaintenanceReqd, and Reset slots to zero
Running the PRV Custom Agent
Before being able to try out our new custom agent type, we need to publish it by clicking the Publish button on the Custom Agent Designer screen, which will have the effect of copying all T_PRV.* files into the Adroit installation folder as shown
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The CSV file contains the various slot and status bit definitions, etc. The VBS file contains the Visual Basic Script described above, and the DLL file is the actual custom agent DLL loaded into the agent server at start up. A further message box is displayed, explaining that these custom agent files will need to be manually copied to any other network computers that are part of the solution |
At this point we can run up the agent server application. Just use the configuration left over from the last Quick Start 4 - Smart UI Re-use As you can see, the new PRV custom agent type is shown along with all the other built-in Adroit agent types |
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The PRV agent type is also visible as a Type along with others. You can Add, Edit, Scan, Alarm, Log and otherwise configure PRV agents just like any other agent ![]() |
The right-hand screenshot above shows we have added PRV agent VALVE_01 and edited Pressure, Limit, MaxOperations, and Reset slots to be 8.0 psi, 10.0 psi, 5, and 0 respectively. Note that because Open and Operations slots are not editable, these are shown in a darker grey background
Testing the PRV Custom Agent
The reason we have included so many Custom.LogEvent method calls in the PRV agent script engine is so that we can relatively easily see what’s going on at run time. When you are satisfied everything works as expected, you can take these statements out of the script if you want to
In the meantime, in Smart UI Designer, create a Graphic Form and drop an Adroit EventViewer control onto the graphic form
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To avoid getting all sorts of Adroit events displayed, set the FilterString property of the control as shown. This will mean only event messages originating in a custom agent will be displayed ![]() |
Next, use the Ellipsis […] button at the right of the Columns property to select and order a sub-set of columns to be displayed. All we really need to see are the Time, Object, and Message columns, after which the event viewer should look something like the screenshot below when the form is run either in Smart UI Designer or Operator
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From the Time column we can see that events are ordered in reverse chronological order. The earliest event we see is a pressure value change to 17 psi which is above limit and should cause the valve to open. Next we see a pressure value change to 7 psi which, being less than 10 psi, is within limit and should cause the valve to close. Finally we see another, above limit pressure value change, and in this case because the total number of open operations has exceeded 5, a Service alarm is raised as indicated by the Maintenance Required event message |
Note: There are only two open operations visible on the event viewer shown, but if we were to page up and down using the Page Up and Page Down buttons on the event viewer, we would see earlier open events
All this will be a lot clearer when we develop and show different PRV instances using a Smart UI wizard and alarm view, but for now we need to be sure the custom agent is functioning correctly and to test this we can simply modify slot values in the Configurator and observe the effect on other slots
The screenshot below left shows the initial situation, i.e. valve open due to pressure above limit at 17 psi. The right-hand screenshot shows when we bring the pressure back down to within limit (5 psi), the valve closes again (Open = 0)
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Next if we set the Reset slot On three things happen: The Status_MaintenanceReqd bit in the agent header is reset (right-hand screenshot below), the Operations slot is reset to zero, and the Reset slot itself reverts to Off
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Continue experimenting for yourself with various slot value changes until you are happy from observing the event view and other slots in the agent that everything is as it should be
Visualizing the PRV Custom Agent
Our goal in this section is to create a comprehensive Smart UI wizard that can be used to succinctly visualize all salient aspects of PRV agent instances. As we learned in the previous quick start guide on Smart UI Re-use techniques, the best way to go about creating a wizard is first to create a graphic form for a single agent or known group of agents and then later on, turn this into a substitutable wizard
So the following table lists the type and usage of graphical elements we would like when visualizing PRV agent instances on a graphic form, after which we will drill down in some detail on how each different element is configured
Element | Description of use |
Picture |
- Show valve in two different positions: Closed and Open
- Display a tool-tip when the mouse hovers over the picture |
Text |
- Display current pressure value
- Display a description for PRV agent instance - Display text Open when valve is open - Display text Service Due when maintenance is required - Display alarm priority of Open alarm - Display alarm priority of Service alarm |
Ellipse | - In line withhigh-performance HMI situation awareness guidelines (ISA 101), a circle element in Orange to indicate Normal priority Open alarm |
Polyline | - Similarly, a triangle element in Yellow to indicate High priority Service alarm |
Button | - Set Reset slot On after maintenance has been carried out |
Trackbar | - Slide up and down to simulate the process by varying the pressure up and down as required |
Open/Closed Picture Display
Under the Vector group in the Smart UI Designer Toolbox is a Picture element which, amongst other things, supports the anachronistically-named Flip Bitmap behaviour that can show any one of a number of different pictures based on a tag value
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The two images alongside show our PRV in the Closed and Open positions respectively, and so by editing the Pictures property of a Picture
element we add the two pictures for picture indices 0 and 1 as shown
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So copy and paste the two images above left from your Web Browser into the QuickStart Smart UI project folder1 as ValveClosed.png, ValveOpen.png, and add the two pictures to the Pictures collection as described above. All that is then necessary to animate the picture in response to changes in valve position is to apply a Flip Bitmap behaviour driven by the Open slot as shown in the screenshot alongside |
1C:\ProgramData\Adroit Technologies\Adroit\SmartUI\Configurations\QuickStart\Projects\Quick Start
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Another useful behaviour that can be applied to our valve picture is Tooltip The screenshot alongside shows a Tooltip behaviour with multi-line text displaying Current pressure, Pressure limit, Operations since service, and Maximum operations. The grid at the bottom defines the Pressure, Limit, Operations, and MaxOperations (not visible) slots to drive these At the top-right we are stipulating that the Tooltip position is middle-centre of the picture Clicking the Advanced View button allows you to specify a hover delay before the tool-tip shows up, and another delay (usually longer) before the tool-tip disappears |
The screenshot below shows hovering over the picture with our valve in the closed position..
Text Displays
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Text elements above and below the picture are used to display the current pressure value and PRV description respectively…
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Open Alarm Indication
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Towards the top-right of our valve picture a number of graphical elements are used to indicate a Normal priority Open alarm situation |
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Firstly we Group an Ellipse (circle) to indicate alarm colour and a Text element to display alarm priority. When looking at the group in the Contents pane we see that the ellipse has Colour behaviour, the Text has a Visibility behaviour, and the overall group also has a Visibility behaviour All behaviours are driven from the Open slot of our PRV agent, the colour behaviour being background Orange for Open and Transparent for Closed. Both visibility behaviours are configured as visible when the Open slot is True and invisible when the Open slot is False... |
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![]() Finally to the right of the ellipse we display a Text element Open, visible when the valve is open |
Service Due Alarm Indication
This is considered to be a higher priority alarm than an Open alarm - priority 3 (High) as opposed to priority 2 (Normal)
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Just below the Open alarm indications we similarly show several graphical elements that indicate a High priority Service Due alarm situation
According toISA 101 situation awareness guidelines this should be indicated by a yellow inverted triangle |
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Firstly, a group comprising, this time, a closed PolyLine (triangle) to indicate alarm colour and a Text element to display alarm priority. In the Contents pane we see that the ellipse has Colour behaviour, the Text has a Visibility behaviour, and the overall group has a Visibility behaviour All the behaviours are driven from the Status_MaintenanceReqd status bit of our PRV agent. The colour behaviour is background Yellow for ON and Transparent for OFF. Both visibility behaviours are configured as visible when the status bit is ON and invisible when it is OFF... |
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![]() Finally to the right of the ellipse we display a Text element Service Due, visible when the status bit is ON |
Reset Button
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Below the Open and Service Due alarm indications, we locate a Button element captioned Reset, the purpose of which is to allow the operator to set a PRV
agent’s Reset slot to ON after maintenance has been successfully completed
This button need only be visible when maintenance is actually required, so the initial behaviour we configure is a Visibility behaviour, driven in the same way as the previous behaviours by the Status_MaintenanceReqd status bit of the PRV agent |
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The other behaviour we need to configure for this button is an Operator Action behaviour to carry out the actual reset action. This is shown alongside as a Control Action, Set Boolean True, Operator Action, operating on the Reset slot of the PRV agent |
TrackBar Windows Forms Control
In a real-world application, the current pressure value would in all probability be acquired as a process variable by scanning some or other PLC register. But in our case,
to avoid this complexity, and to be able easily to execute various scenarios, we drop a TrackBar Windows Forms Control to the left of our PRV picture. Be sure to
set its Orientation property to Vertical since, by default, trackbar controls are horizontally orientated
Because we want the TrackBar to both indicate as well as manipulate current pressure value, we apply a Bind Value behaviour to this control. As shown, we choose
our PRV agent’s Pressure slot as the Data Element to bind in a bi-directional sense with the control’s Value property
This bi-directional binding is specified by the Both (To/From Control Property) radio button being selected as indicated near the top-right of the
right-hand screenshot below...
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Putting it all together
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The three screenshots above show our form, with all the graphical elements previously described, configured for a single PRV agent instance VALVE_01
The leftmost screenshot shows the valve operating normally in the closed position at a pressure of 8.0 psi which is below the 10.0 psi pressure limit
The middle screenshot shows the valve in the open position at 16.0 psi which is above the 10.0 psi pressure limit. A normal priority Open alarm is indicated by the orange circle showing alarm priority 2
The rightmost screenshot shows the valve in the open position at 17.0 psi which is above the 10.0 psi pressure limit. A normal priority Open alarm is indicated by the orange circle showing alarm priority 2, but in addition because we have reached the maximum of 5 operations before maintenance is required, a high priority Service Due alarm is indicated by the yellow inverted triangle showing alarm priority 3
Note that in keeping with theISA 101 situation awareness guidelines, the screenshots are mostly low-impact colours which will not distract an operator. The eye is definitely drawn to the high priority Service Due alarm, and to a lesser extent to the normal priority Open alarm
The next step is to transform this hard-coded graphic form into a wizard, but before doing so convince yourself that all the graphic elements and behaviours work as they should do
Transforming our form into a wizard
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The next step is to transform our graphic form, hard-coded to show only VALVE_01, into a wizard that can potentially be used to visualize any PRV agent To do this we click the Save As Wizard toolbar button as shown. Accept the Optimise graphic form size option, and the suggested wzdPressureReliefValve wizard form name At this point you will presented with a Substitutions Overview dialog as shown below. On this dialog you need meticulously to go through every graphic object behaviour, double-clicking and replacing the hard-coded ‘VALVE_01’ string with a string of the form ‘{Valve}’ The curly braces are very important because they are substitution delimiters recognized by Smart UI Designer to replace the placeholder Valve string with actual PRV agent names when the wizard is pasted onto a graphic form. It is strongly recommended you copy the ‘{Valve}’ string to the clipboard (Ctrl-C) before carrying out the replacements, and then paste the string back from the clipboard (Ctrl-V) so as to minimize the likelihood of any errors |
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If, at any time after saving your form as a wizard, you’d like to go back to the Substitutions Overview dialog again, for example to verify that everything has been replaced correctly, you can do so by clicking the Substitutions toolbar button as shown below... ![]() |
Once you are satisfied that all VALVE_01 replacements have been successfully carried out, drag wzdPressureReliefValve across from Enterprise Manager on the left to the Favourites pane on the right in readiness for pasting the wizard onto a graphic form
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You may need to enable display of the Favourites pane on the right by selecting it from the relevant View tab toolbar in Smart UI Designer as shown |
Making use of the wizard
In order to make use of and demonstrate the capabilities of our wizard, in the Configurator window create two more PRV agents named, say, VALVE_02 and VALVE_03. Make sure they have different Limit slot and MaxOperations slot values as shown below...
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Next create a graphic form Form_05, and drag the wizard across from the Favourites pane on the right, drop it onto Form_05 somewhere, and select the Paste Wizard context menu item. This will invoke the Substitution Assignment dialog shown below, where you can, for example, select VALVE_03 to replace the ‘{Valve}’ placeholder string...
Pasting three instances of our wizard onto Form_05, one for each PRV agent should result in something like the screenshot below. Note that VALVE_01 has an Open and Service Due alarm, VALVE_02 is operating normally (closed) with its tool-tip displayed, and VALVE_03 has an Open alarm but does not yet require maintenance
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Alarming the PRV Custom Agent
From the graphic form above we can see that VALVE_01 has both an Open and Service Due alarm and VALVE_03 has just an Open alarm. This can also be seen by looking at each agent’s header (just click the Header button with the required agent selected in the Configurator window) as shown in the screenshots below...
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Note the state of the checkboxes in the Specific Status section. This is precisely where custom agent development integrates neatly with the Adroit alarming subsystem
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To see this, with all the Agent filter checkboxes unchecked in the Configurator window, select Alarm agent type, and edit the defaultAlarmAgent as shown in the screenshot alongside Navigate to the Types tab and you will see in the Agent Type drop down there is an entry for our newly created PRV agent type Select PRV agent type, and click the Add an entry button above the list of Available Alarm Types which will initially be empty The screenshots below show the two alarm types we create for our PRV agent type |
On the left we create an alarm type called Open that is raised whenever the Status_Open status bit transitions to ON. At the bottom we designate that it’s the Pressure slot we show in the alarm list’s Reported Data column for this alarm type, by moving this slot over from the list of Available to Current slots using the left chevron button
On the right we create a Service alarm type that is raised whenever the Status_MaintenanceReqd status bit transitions to ON. In the Reported Data section at the bottom we designate the Operations slot to be shown in the alarm list’s Reported Data column for this alarm type
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The final part to alarming our three PRV agents is to multiply select all three of them in the Configurator window, and click the Alarm button on the right. This will display a dialog listing the alarm types available to alarm the PRV agents: Open and Service as we created previously
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Select the Open type and move it across from Available to Current by clicking the left chevron button
Choose route 3 to avoid the system beeper sounding when an alarm occurs, and choose Priority 2 – Normal for this alarm type Next, since we want to see both Open and Service alarms, select the Service alarm type as well, and move it across in the same way from the list of Available to Current alarm types. We also use route 3, but we choose Priority 3 – High for this alarm type |
Configuration of both alarm types for all PRV agents is shown in the screenshots below...
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In order to visualize our PRV agents and at the same time see alarms in the alarm list, we adapt the Navigation Template used in earlier quick start guides by adding a button to display our new Form_05. The result running in Smart UI Operator is shown below...
In Conclusion
So, we have created our own custom SCADA database object type and integrated it seamlessly along with all the existing in-built database types. We have proved that it operates in the way that we want it to and gone on to create a comprehensive graphical representation for it. Finally we have accessed the custom alarm indications designed into the new type and smoothly integrated them into the existing Adroit alarm subsystem
By virtue of this capability, System Integrators and OEMs building their own solutions on top of Adroit are able to create whole libraries of data types and corresponding graphical representations, effectively encapsulating their specialized knowledge and know-how of a particular industry sector. These libraries are usable across countless different project and product configurations, providing significant competitive advantage in terms of both productivity and functionality
Please email any feedback or suggested improvements to support@adroit-europe.com
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